Sustanon 250mg/ml Recipe

Sustanon 250 Liquid recipe:
Sus 250 Liquid
Recipe for Sustanon 250mg/ml
100ml @ 250mg/ml:-
78.75ml Grapeseed oil
2.5ml BA (2.5%)
7.5ml BB (7.5%)
3g Testosterone Propionate
6g Testosterone Phenylprop
6g Testosterone Isocaproate
10g Testosterone Decanoate

Sustanon recipes 200 mg/ml
50grams powder (37.5ml)
5mL BA (2%)
50mL BB (20%)
157.5mL Grapeseed oil

Sustanon recipes 400mg/ml
100grams powder (75ml)
5mL BA (2%)
50mL BB (20%)
120mL Grapeseed oil

250mg/ml @400ml
Step1: Sterilize area, counters, stove, etc.
Step2: Sterilize tools, crimpers etc.
Step3: Pan and water on stove, heat
Step4: Measure powder in beaker on scale
Step5: Place beaker in the water on the stove, put in BB and BA, and stairs with the glass rod.
Step5A: Place oil in the beaker in the same pan on the stove.
Step6: After a few minutes you can add in the powder to the BA\BB solution, watch for it to start to break down, then add in your warm oil, this will prevent the solution from crashing later.
Step7: Prepare your bottling area. Crimpers, bottles, stoppers etc. Some people like to bake the vials after washing them in alcohol; you can boil them in distilled water too, they will need to be removed with crimpers, you can place them on a sterile cookie sheet. Turn on the stove to 250 deg.
Step8: turn off the heat on your pan with water, the mixture should be dissolved completely, stir the mixture.
Step9: prepare your 18g pin, your 22g pin, and your filters. (1 waterman filter will do 100ml)
Step10: Move your sterile bottling supplies closer to your mixture area (I like to pull the bottles right out of the water with the tongs (I place 6 bottles on the cookie sheet, because I use a 60ml syringe), draw up some of your mixture in your syringe (mine is 60, so I draw 60.5 or 61), attach 18g pin and filter.
Fill your 6 10ml bottles and cap immediately.
Step11: repeat till you’re finished. Switch your filter at 100ml.

100ml= USD50
200ml= USD95
500ml= USD200

Shipping fee:
USD25-30 for American
USD30-35 for Europe
USD25-30 for Oceania
USD20-30 for Asia

Mr.Klaus, +86-17373065159
