Make Testosterone Enanthate Powder Into Liquid

Testosterone Enanthate Oil Recipe

Test E Liquid
Common 250mg/ml Recipe for 100mL No BB
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75mL)
5mL BA (5%)
76.25mL Oil

Common 250mg/ml Recipe for 100mL No BB #2
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75mL)
3mL BA (3%)
78.25mL Oil

Common 250mg/ml Recipe for 100mL 
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75mL)
2mL BA (2%)
10mL BB (10%)
69.25mL Oil

Common 300mg/ml Recipe for 100mL
30 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (22.5mL)
2mL BA (2%)
15mL BB (15%)
60.5mL Oil

Common 400mg/ml Recipe for 100mL
40 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (30mL)
2mL BA (2%)
20mL BB (20%)
48mL Oil

mg/ml @100ml
STEP 1: Scrape the 'powder' into the vial.
STRP 2: Put a couple of ml of oil in the container and pop it in the oven. When it's melted, pour it in the vial. Repeat 1 time. Add 0.4 ml of BA to the vial. Add some oil. Pop it in the oven and let it melt.
STEP 3: Fill it the rest of the way to 40 ml
STPE 4: Warm it in the oven Mix it up (shake gently)
Extract 20 ml and filter into new sterile vial while it's still warm. Filter the remaining 20 ml into another vial.
STEP 5: Pop the vials into the oven. Increase the heat to 250. Bake for 45 min


Shipping fee:
USD25-30 for America
USD30-35 for Europe
USD25-30 for Oceania
USD20-30 for Asia

DetailsTestosterone Enanthate Liquid
Mr.Klaus, +86-17373065159
