Trenbolone Acetate100 Recipe Finaplix H 100

Trenbolone Acetate 100 Oil Recipe:
Tren A Liquid
Common 100mg/ml Recipe for 100ml:
10 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
70.5ml Oil

Will also hold in:
10 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
15ml BB (15%)
75.5ml Oil

Common 100mg/ml Recipe for 100mL NO BB
10 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
5ml BA (5%)
87.5ml Oil

200mg/ml Recipe for 100mL EO, No Oil.
20 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (15ml)
2ml BA (2%)
25ml BB (25%)
58ml EO

Trenbolone enantate 250mg/ml 100ml/bottle
25 gram Trenbolone Ethanate powder (18.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
15ml BB (15%)
64.25ml Oil

100mg/ml 40ml
STEP1. Measure out 6.8ml of Benzyl Benzoate and put it in 50ml Unsealed Clear Vial;
STEP2. Put away the BB;
STEP3. Measure out 1.2ml of Benzyl Alcohol and put it in the same 50ml Unsealed Clear vial;
STEP4. Put away the BA;
STEP5. Empty all of the pellets from the 2 fina carts into a glass and crush them with a spoon until they are a fine powder;
STEP4. Use the funnel to empty the crushed pellet powder into the 50ml vial which contains your BA/BB solution - allow this to sit for at least 24 hours;
STEP5. Put away the glass and spoon;
STEP6. Extract 28ml of grapeseed oil from the bottle and put it into the 50ml which contains the dissolved pellets/ba/bb;
STEP7. Extract 4ml of grapeseed oil into a syringe and set it aside;
STEP8. Put away the grapeseed oil;
STEP9. Take the solution of pellet powder/oil/BA/BB and pour it into the funnel, with the oil filter in place - have this drain into your other unsealed 50ml vial - allow this to drain for 24 hours
STEP10. Remove the wet filter and squeeze any extra oil trapped in the filter into the funnel;
STEP11. Throw away the filter and put away the funnel;
STEP12. Using the 5ml syringe, extract 5ml of your powder/oil/ba/bb solution - attach the .45u Whatman filter and put the solution into another 50ml vial (I like to switch to a new filter about half-way through because they tend to get clogged - your mileage may vary);
STEP13. repeat step 13 until all 36 ml's (28ml oil, 8ml of ba/bb) have been transferred to another vial;
STEP14. Use 2ml of the 4ml of oil you have saved in your other syringe and flush out whatever is left in your .45u filter;
STEP15. Insert a 25g needle into the top of your SEALED 50ml vial;
STEP16. Extract 5ml of your filtered solution into a syringe, attach a .22u filter and transfer this to your sealed 50ml vial (I like to switch to a new filter about half-way through because they tend to get clogged - your mileage may vary);
STEP17. Repeat until all 38ml of your solution has been transferred to your sealed vial;
STEP18. Flush out the filter with the remaining 2ml of oil you have saved in your syringe;

STEP19. You now have 40ml of 100mg/ml trenbolone acetate.

100ml= USD120 with shipping fee
200ml= USD200 with shipping fee
500ml= USD425 with shipping fee

Trenbolone Acetate Liquid

Mr.Klaus +86 17373065159
